The movie ‘Arya’ completed 20 years on May 7. On this occasion, the team specially shared the experiences of ‘Arya’ that day. In this event, Director Sukumar explained the process of telling the story of ‘Arya’ to Megastar Chiranjeevi. All the stories related to the Mega family were finalized by the Megastar. First, Allu Arvind wanted to tell the story of ‘Arya’ to Chiranjeevi.
Sukumar said that Chiranjeevi want to tell the story in 20 minutes.. Sukumar practiced standing in front of the mirror for a month. But Chiru liked the story and he listened it from 20 minutes to 3 hours. Chiru enjoyed the story of ‘Arya’ throughout. Sukumar thanked Chiru for giving the green signal to the story of ‘Arya’ in the 20 years celebrations of this movie.
Along with logics, item songs are also very famous in Sukumar’s movies. And.. Sukumar also told a story about the item number in the movie ‘Arya’. I don’t want to put the item number in the original ‘Arya’. Sukumar is very fond of the song ‘Chhaiyya.. Chhaiyya’ from ‘Dil Se’. He wanted to be in the movie in the same way. After that, he took the tune and gave it to Veturi, he wrote the lyrics for it as an item song.And since there was no time to prepare the song, the song was recorded with those lyrics.
And.. a popular heroine has been taken to dance with Allu Arjun in the song ‘A.. Ante Amalapuram’. But.. the producer Dil Raju cancelled it at the last minute saying that she want to take a business class ticket. Abhinaya Sri was taken to that place. With this.. ‘What is the heroine I asked? What is the heroine given by Dil Raju? Finally, after seeing Abhinaya Sri’s dance on the set, they decided that ‘she is the right choice for this song’.It is known how much of a sensation ‘A..Ante Amalapuram’ has created. After that, the audience was also fixated that item song should be in the combo of Sukumar-Devisri.
In this ceremony, Allu Arjun specially mentioned director Sukumar. He said that ‘Arya’ had a lot of impact in his life. He said that even after another 30 or 40 years, if he looks back, he will still have Sukumar in his life. Allu Arjun got emotional saying that after ‘Gangotri’ he was going like an engineless bhogi, he came with the movie ‘Arya’ and put him in Sukumar’s line.