Rowdy star Vijay Deverakonda also has a Sithara Entertainments film in his wish list. Directed by ‘Jersey’ fame Gautham Tinnanuri, this film has already celebrated its milestone. Srileela was chosen as the heroine in this movie. However, the shooting of this movie has not started. Meanwhile, Vijay got busy with ‘Family Star’. In this background.. Will there be an original Sithara movie with Vijay? Or? Doubts started.
Recently Producer Naga Vamsi gave clarity on VD 12. Naga Vamsi said that after the completion of Vijay Devarakonda’s ‘Family Star’, their production will begin. It seems that one of ‘Animal’ beauty Tripti Dimri or Meenakshi Chaudhary will be chosen as the heroine instead of Srileela in this movie. On the other hand.. Vijay Devarakonda’s 12 th Movie was delayed so Producer Naga Vamsi completed a short film called ‘Magic’ in Sithara Entertainments with the same director Gautham Tinnanuri.