‘Tandel’.. Rajulamma Jaathara in Srikakulam..

The movie ‘Tandel’ is being made based on some real events that happened in Srikakulam. This movie, which is being made with the theme of fishermen, has already completed most of the shooting. This is Akkineni’s first Pan India movie starring Yuva Samrat Naga Chaitanya. This movie is being directed by Chandu Mondeti, who has already got a pan India hit with ‘Karthikeya 2’. Natural beauty Sai Pallavi will act opposite Chaitanya in this movie which is being produced by prestigious company Geetha Arts.

The hero who went fishing in the middle Sea.. got caught in unexpected circumstances in Pakistan.. the sufferings he faced there.. did he finally get out of them? Or? That is the story of this movie. And.. in this movie, along with topics like sea, hunting, love story.. the episode of Rajulamma Jaathara in Srikakulam will be very special. Soon the team will prepare to shoot that episode in Srikakulam.
Recently, during the Rajulamma Jaathara in Srikakulam, some Akkineni fans posted a video saying, ‘Ika.. Rajulamma Jaathare’, seeking the blessings of Rajulamma for the film team of ‘Tandel’. After retweeting the video, hero Naga Chaitanya hinted that he is coming to Srikakulam soon for the shooting of ‘Tandel’.

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