Prabhas rare record in first day collections

Rebel Star Prabhas.. The original Pan India star. It is enough that Prabhas’s movie is coming.. Darling fans will flock to the theatres. They fly to see the first day first show of that movie. That’s why.. Prabhas has looted a rare record in the first day collections. One movie is missed in the middle of prabhas movies . But he collected one hundred crores on the first day with five films in a row.

Prabhas’ first film ‘Baahubali 2’ collected 100 crores on the first day. Somehow the first day collections of ‘Baahubali 2’ crossed Rs.200 crores. After that, Prabhas did a rare feat of collecting 100 crores on the first day with the films ‘Saaho, Adipurush, Salaar, Kalki’. ‘Kalki’ collected Rs 191.5 crore worldwide on its first day.

Trade pundits are predicting that the film will enter the five hundred crore club this weekend as the long weekend comes together.

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