Mainstream actors are entering the digital world one by one. This year, Naga Chaitanya is also getting ready to make a splash in the web world with the ‘Dhootha’ series. Directed by Vikram Kumar, this series is getting ready for streaming on Amazon Prime from December 1. On this occasion, Amazon has released a special video welcoming Chaitu into the family.
A prank video has been prepared to tease Chaitanya with Tamannah, who has already done the ‘Jee Karda’ series and is a part of the Amazon family. In this video, Tamannah is surprised to see Chaitu suddenly entering the same set while applying makeup on a set in Mumbai. She asked him that Why are you in Mumbai.. have you come to surprise me? However.. Chaitu asking Tamannah what are you doing on my set.. The funny fight between the two is impressive in this video.
And Tamannah surprised Naga Chaitanya saying welcome to Amazon family. However, there is a hint in this video that Chaitanya puts a letter in Tamannah’s hand saying that Tamannah has planned a hilarious prank. That means it can be said that Chaitanya is going to be pranked by Tamannaah. Overall, the makers have increased the speed of ‘Dhootha’ promotions. And.. let’s see how Naga Chaitanya’s debut series entertains.