The Korean thriller series ‘Squid Game’ created a worldwide sensation in 2021. The plot of this series, which has the highest viewership on Netflix, exciting games and amazing scenes have impressed the viewers. Now ‘Squid Game’ season 2 is ready.Recently.. Season 2 teaser has been released.
The series often features life-threatening situations for money. And.. the 456th contestant who won in the first season will appear in this season as well. As he warns of how dangerous this game is, other contestants jump into the game for money.
It seems from the teaser that season 2 is going to have new twists along with old games like red and green light games like the first season. The contestants who are fighting for their lives.. The fight between the villains who are ready to kill them is going to be exciting in season 2.’Squid Game 2′ will be ready for streaming on Netflix from December 26 in Indian languages Telugu, Tamil and Hindi along with English.