Global star Ram Charan’s long pending project ‘Game Changer’. This movie, which is being made by Shankar, the director of big films, has to come before the audience. However.. Shankar stopped in the middle and started his ‘Indian 2’ again, ‘Game Changer’ went back. Although the shooting of the major part has already been completed, there is still up to 45 days of shooting for ‘Game Changer’.
A 45-day shoot means there is still a lot of balance work to do. For the past few months, Shankar has been shooting for ‘Game Changer’ only for five or six days in a month. If ‘Indian 2’ releases in July, he will focus on ‘Game Changer’ from September. In any case, the shooting of ‘Game Changer’ will be completed by the end of this year. The post production work will be completed. With this, there is a rumor going on in the film circles that ‘Game Changer’ is likely to be released next year.