The film ‘Ismart Shankar’ made the energetic star Ram as the hero of Ustad. And.. this is the film that brought the dashing director Puri Jagannath back to form after a series of flops. ‘Double Ismart’ is coming as a sequel to such ‘Smart Shankar’. They are getting ready with ‘Double Ismart’ to spread entertainment with a double dose of mass elements in a way beyond the first part.
The ‘Double Ismart’ teaser released with a length of 85 seconds is offering a mass treat throughout. Ram mass dialogues.. Puri Jagannath’s taking.. Sanjay Dutt’s villainy.. Kavya Thapar’s beauty.. Mani Sharma’s mesmerizing background score.. Machu was seen in this teaser.
However.. in the theatre, the ‘Double Ismart’ mass treat is not usual. Also.. Puri has also given a devotional touch to this movie by showing Shivalinga at the end of the teaser. The team will give clarity on the release date of this movie soon.